Episode 32: Kevin King

In this episode, Kevin King talks about his journey to working with internationals in the U.S., the importance of worldview, and living your faith out loud.

Kevin King is the President of International Project, an organization focused on initiating church planting movements through diaspora unreached people groups in ethnic communities and on university campuses. International Project’s focus is to mobilize and train teams of church planters who will start simple multiplying churches. Kevin’s vision is to see a movement of churches started among unreached people groups starting with diaspora communities here and spreading to least evangelized countries. You can learn more about his ministry at www.internationalproject.org

Kevin's Recommendations:
The 3D Gospel by Jayson Georges
Misreading Scripture with Western Eyes
Ephesians 4 and APEST

Joshua's Leadership Accelerator around APEST starts January 18th!


Episode 33: Alan Briggs


Episode 31: Peyton Jones