This is a conversation about discernment - about how we listen for and respond to the quiet, persistent voice of God in our lives. Our guest today is Trevor Hudson, a pastor and spiritual director who has spent decades wrestling with this question. As Trevor puts it, when we open our lives to Christ, he brings his whole family with him. Our faith is never just a private, individual thing - it's deeply communal. But at the same time, God has a unique calling for each of our lives. The challenge is figuring out how to hold that tension, to discern both the general will of God and his specific purpose for us. Trevor shares that for him, the foundation of discernment has been surrender - a daily yielding of his life to God, an opening of his hands to receive God's leading. It's about learning to recognize the movements of the Spirit, the subtle stirrings towards greater faith, hope and love. And it's about doing that work in community, with friends and mentors who can help us see what we might be missing. This is not always an easy path. Trevor acknowledges that God's will often involves a kind of dying and rising, a willingness to walk into difficult circumstances. But he insists that there is a deep peace that accompanies it, even amidst the struggle. So how do we tune our ears to hear that still, small voice? How do we learn to live into the unique purpose God has for our lives, while also staying rooted in community? Trevor offers wisdom hard-won over decades of faithful following. It's a conversation that just might change the way you approach the big questions of your life.

Trevor Hudson is an ordained minister in the Methodist Church of Southern Africa. After spending forty years doing pastoral ministry in a local congregation, he now gives his time to lecturing, teaching, and writing in the areas of spiritual formation and spiritual direction. Throughout his life as a pastor and teacher, he has sought to prioritize the discipleship ministry of local congregations, build bridges across different "streams" within the Christian community, and relate spiritual formation to daily life within the context of our suffering world.

He is married to Debbie and is the father of two children, Joni married to James, and Mark married to Marike.

Trevor's Book:
In Search of God's Will

Trevor's Recommendation:
Fully Alive


Episode 260: Patrick Miller


Episode 258: Liz Charlotte Grant