In this episode, Shannon K. Evans takes us on a fascinating journey through the lives and teachings of radical female mystics from history, and explores how their wisdom and practices can speak powerfully to our lives and faith today. We'll dive into topics like the importance of art and creativity, caring for the environment, mental health, and finding balance between action and contemplation. So join us as we listen to what the mystics of the past have to say to us.

Shannon K. Evans is the author of the books The Mystics Would Like a Word, Feminist Prayers for My Daughter, and Rewilding Motherhood. With interest in ecofeminism, contemplative practice, and social change, Shannon leads workshops and retreats across the country that spark curiosity and compassion. She has partnered with the Jesuits of Canada and the U.S. and is a frequent contributor to Franciscan Media. Having previously lived in Indonesia for two years, Shannon loves to travel, but is happiest at home on the Iowa prairie with her family and beloved chickens.

Shannon's Book:
The Mystics Would Like a Word


Episode 220: Rev. Chris Lee


Episode 218: Natalie Runion