Episode 202: Bryan Loritts

There is a loneliness epidemic. We’ve lost our ability to connect to one another. In this conversation with Bryan Loritts we discuss the importance of enduring friendships. God's primary way of shaping people is through relationships with others and the Bible places a high premium on relationships, seen in concepts like the Trinity and salvation. Jesus modeled community by choosing 12 disciples to be with. We talk about the idea that friendships are important for accountability, correction and preventing isolation that can enable moral failure and the importance of being open and vulnerable within close friendships. Join us as we learn how to connect and have friendships that endure.

Bryan C. Loritts (DMin, Liberty University) is teaching pastor of the Summit Church in Durham, North Carolina. He has dedicated his life and ministry to seeing the multiethnic church become the new normal in our society. He is also vice president for regions for the Send Network, the church planting arm of the Southern Baptist Convention, where he is responsible for training church planters in multiethnic church planting. He has been a featured speaker at the Global Leadership Summit and Catalyst. His books include Insider Outsider, The Dad Difference, and The Offensive Church. His latest book is Enduring Friendship.

Bryan's Book:
Enduring Friendship

Bryan's Recommendations:
The Miracle of St. Anthony


Episode 203: J. Dana Trent


Episode 201: Alan Briggs